
Paulette Insall, Tucson Phoenix Abstract Artist in Arizona | Modern contemporary traditional luxury home decor ideas

Beautiful art that resonates in the soul

Contemporary Abstract Painter Paulette Insall's paintings come from her heart....expressing emotion as a visual language, using pure color and expressive marks to connect and communicate. Her abstract art emits a special light and magic that is both spiritual and moving.

Filtering by Category: workshops

Imagination Congregation Retreat

hey again! lol! some really BIG news to share.....this coming June....i will be teaching in longmont, colorado at "Imagination Congregation"! it's a new faith-based art retreat from kc willis of lipstick ranch and i'm so excited and blessed that she asked me to be a part of it!! it's a 4-day retreat held in kc's gallery/studio and there will be lectures/seminars each morning, workshops in the afternoon, and a special dinner with me & kc one evening....i will speaking & teaching on day 3 of the retreat in june 2011. here's my workshop description...

Layers of Worship

Let us delight in the act of creating, just as God does when He creates! The creative process can be a conversation between you and God....whether it be a form of visual prayer, a collaborative work involving the Holy Spirit, or just using the gift of creativity God has given us to bring glory to Him and delight Him. You will begin by listening to worship music, praising our Heavenly Father, and inviting His presence into our midst while you create. When you invite Him, there is no limit to what you can do! "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible." Matthew 19:26 NLT

Paulette will take you through the creation of abstract backgrounds using acrylic paint, your hands, and a few simple tools. Next, you will spend time looking at your backgrounds in different ways, searching for imagery to bring forward. Then with more paint and a few paintbrushes, you'll block out the background and bring the imagery to the forefront. This entire process of bringing together worship & painting is the way Paulette now creates all of her work. She says she's never felt closer to God than when she is creating in His presence. His presence is key to the flow of her creativity. It is a truly transcendent, joy, and peace-filled experience. One that she wants to help others encounter!

---now i don't have class samples for the workshop yet....but it will be along the lines of what i'm currently doing and y'all all know what my work looks like, right? ;) :D

and here's a little about the retreat from kc...

You see...I have a vision.... To create a Movement that encourages Christian artists to make art that glorifies the Lord, but prove that Christian art can be sophisticated, smart, and collectible by the art community in general. When you say Christian Art (and I would like to have a different word for it even) people think Christian Gift Store "happy hands at home" stuff. Not that that doesn't have its audience....it does...but I want a place where Spirit-filled artists are taught the "back-story" to making their art. That they don't have to have to paint the image of Christ to make Christ-inspired work. If in the making of their work, and the interacting with the public in selling their work they evoke the Gifts of the Spirit...love, joy, peace, kindness etc. this is Spirit-filled work. If there is a sense of gratitude for the moments when we can create the work of our hands...this is Spirit-filled work. And we can step into Art and beyond it into a place where Artists play a part in keeping hope and joy alive in a world that has less and less of it.

I want to encourage artists to understand that art that is made by hands that belong to God are making God-inspired art. We can send a message of hope and peace to the world if we are worshiping the Lord by honoring the creative gifts he has given us.

here's a few pics of  a couple of the workshops kc will be teaching...

i just know it's gonna be a life-changing experience for all of us!!! so, are you excited yet???? well then, get on over to the Imagination Congregation website for all the details and get registered 'cause space is limited to 20 participants (so it's nice and intimate)! kc is graciously extending the "early bird" registration price for a couple of days just for you! don't miss out on the savings!! scroll all the way down to the bottom of the retreat page to register. oh and be sure to spread the word about this life-changing retreat!!! xoxo

Painting workshops now on DVD

hey y'all! i know i haven't posted for like over a month now....i was sick so much this past winter that it caused there to be too much to catch up on around here. then of course i got so behind at school with the kiddos. there were many lessons that i wasn't able to do with them because we just ran out of time. we mainly just focused on drawing and clay for the last two months....both of which i think were their favorites. :) i did manage to get a few pics of some of the clay projects they did and hopefully will get them posted here soon. and now on to the original reason why i logged on here today....after many requests for me to put my previous online workshops on dvd for people who never had a chance to take the class when it was run live, i decided i needed to figure out a way to do it. so now, you have the opportunity to buy the entire set of videos from my online classes on a data dvd. they will come complete with a hard dvd case (like movies come in) with a professional full color cover (see front cover pics below) and data dvd with a full color label. See my e-classes page for all the details and to purchase one (or both).

Update & time is running out

We're still in the midst of our remodel...most of our part is done, but now we're staying in a hotel for the rest of the week while our woodfloors are sanded and finished. I'll post a pic of where things were as of Sunday later today or tomorrow. We also have to have one of the cabinets redone...and then the granite people have to come back out and do a new template. Almost seems like this will never be done, but hopefully we've seen the last of the snaffus.

Oh, and before I forget...time is running out to sign up for my classes in San Jose, CA. They're on July 11th & 12th. Click the link below to view the class calendar. If you click on my classes, you'll be taken to the sign up pages.

Click here to sign up

Gosh I can hardly believe June is almost over!!! My birthday month is next month and I'm tryin' to talk my hubby into getting my b'day present a few weeks early, but he ain't biting. Lol!

Alrighty...I'm typing this while I'm waiting to pick Aiden up from summer day camp and it's almost time to go in and get him so I'd better get off my phone and head on in. Hope y'all are having an awesome Monday! xoxo

Paulette Insall in Tualatin, OR on Houzz